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Plant Sale

​     Our annual plant sale is our major fundraiser for the year. Each active member is asked to donate a minimum of five plants. We supplement member donations by purchasing trays of small perennials from a local grower in March, repotting them, nurturing them and selling them at the sale. Every plant is locally grown and ,therefore, tends to be more successful in people’s gardens.


     This is an “all hands on deck” endeavor. For the last several years, we have had volunteers from the Youth Center to assist us the day of the sale. The kids load, unload and organize the plants with us. They then assist customers in tallying orders and loading plants in their cars. It is a wonderful collaboration between our two organizations, and their help is invaluable.


     The success of our sale allows us to fund all our programs and activities, in addition to funding two scholarships each year to a student majoring in horticulture or environmental studies.The community waits for our sale each year and is incredibly supportive of our efforts.

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