2025 Memorial Scholarship
The North Andover Garden Club’s Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce applications are now being accepted from local high school seniors for the Club’s $2,500 Memorial Scholarship(s). High school seniors pursuing any type of post-secondary education for horticulture, botany, agriculture, landscape design, forestry, conservation, environmental studies (including climate, marine, wildlife, and fire), or a closely related field, are encouraged to apply. All high school seniors who reside in North Andover are eligible, as well as children or grandchildren of NAGC members. Deadline to submit is April 15, 2025.
Please visit the Scholarship Page for more information and to download the application.
Thank you for visiting the North Andover Garden Club’s website. We are celebrating our 104th year of sharing our passion for gardening and giving back to our community.
Our mission is to encourage an interest and active participation in civic beautification, horticulture, flower arranging and conservation.

By exploring our website you will see the many contributions we make and the fun we have doing so. New members are always welcome, and gardening expertise is not a requirement. We all learn from each other and love to share. Many of our programs are free and open to the public. We hope to meet you soon!
Janet Foley and Karen Lang, Co-Presidents
Upcoming Events

Starting Plants from Seed
with Gretel Anspach
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Open to the Public
6:30 PM Refreshments and Socializing
7:00 – 8:30 PM Program Speaker
First Calvary Baptist Church
586 Massachusetts Ave.
North Andover

Native Plants, Natural Selections
by Michele Fronk Schuckel
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Open to the Public
6:30 PM Refreshments and Socializing
7:00 – 8:30 PM Program Speaker
First Calvary Baptist Church
586 Massachusetts Ave.
North Andover

Start Where you Are: Garden Design and Established Landscapes by C.L. Fornari
Tuesday, May 14, 2025
Open to the Public
6:30 PM Refreshments and Socializing
7:00 – 8:30 PM Program Speaker
First Calvary Baptist Church
586 Massachusetts Ave.
North Andover
Native Plant Spotlight:
Meadow Bottle Gentian - A Blue Native Wildflower
Please CLICK HERE to read
Visit the Gardening Resources Page to learn more
about native plants and for other useful information